Mission Statement

At DirtyBoss, our mission is to provide a safe and confidential platform for individuals to report workplace misconduct. We are committed to fostering accountability, transparency, and positive change in the workplace, one report at a time


Share experiences related to workplace harassment and help create awareness about this issue

Unveil the impact of workplace harassment and discrimination. Share your stories and experiences to shed light on this critical issue. Your voice can help break the silence, foster understanding, and drive change in workplaces everywhere. Join us in the fight against harassment by sharing your story today

Workplace Bullying

Speak out against workplace bullying and help others recognize and address such behavior.

Expose the hidden scars of workplace bullying. Your experiences are a powerful tool for change. By sharing your stories, you contribute to a culture that rejects bullying and supports a healthier work environment. Join us in confronting workplace bullying one story at a time. Share your experience now.

We welcome any contact, opinions, observations, suggestions and any related matter and will respond where and when able and appropriate.

If you wish to provide your history and incidents involving Crimes Committed by Law Enforcement and to have the Criminal’s Name(s) placed herein, please view the Submissions Criteria below and provide $10 fee through PayPal. (You can also choose to remain anonymous.)