Micro-World Agricultural, Health & Educational Organization

We aim to reach back and help schools in our communities.

About Us

Why is Dunkwa very important?

MWAHEO Sprang from ideas provided by American students who visited Ghana with me. I am a traditional ruler in Ghana, and I joined an organization of students and staff called the Garfield Technology Academy (GTA). This group of students and staff decided to do well to the world by providing refurbished computers that come on stationeries clothing for paraphernalia to be sent to poor schools across the world. Before I joined that organization, I had been to about twenty-six countries around the world helping one school at a time. What is remarkable about this project was the enthusiasm of the students who, through specialization managed and maintained the organization with supervision from three accomplished staff members. Being a Traditional Ruler is a privilege not a chance to lord over people. It is a call to service. It has a greater element of humility; you are elevated and trusted to look back and help your community. Currently, our greatest assets are our young school-going children followed by our mothers.

Projects And Activities

As a student-centered program, it is our dream to use part of the donated land to engage in


Fish farming


Maize and cassava farming


Poultry Farming (Layers)


Cocoa Processing



We plan to eventually supply our own nutritional and material needs but for now, we need public donations to jump-start our program.

Career & Volunteer Opportunities

It is in our future to recruit individuals to join our cause but currently need many volunteers to help reach all areas of our community. We need fundraisers, a bookkeeper, etc.


It is important to publish the names of donors and grantors so that they can receive our eternal gratitude.

Pictures, & Animation Videos

History and narratives are nothing without proof. A room should be left for a lot of pictures and some videos to lend credence to beneficiaries of the program as well as demonstrate to donors and grantors that their gifts are making meaningful changes.


Make A Donation

Donation Form

$30 of $10,000 raised

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Personal Info

Donation Total: $10.00
