The Objectives of this Website are:

  • To provide Honest Citizens who have had their Rights Violated an avenue through which to publicize those Violations and to expose the Criminal(s) responsible;
  • To encourage more citizens to come forward and seek positive change;
  • To gain support for legislation in all US States requiring INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF ALL INCIDENTS OF POLICE MISCONDUCT;
  • To hopefully discourage the next random, Criminal Act of the Dirty Cop;

We are guided by the following principles:

  • Integrity: We are committed to presenting only verified cases of misconduct and ensuring that our content is factual, accurate, and devoid of sensationalism. Our goal is to foster an informed citizenry, not to incite baseless distrust.
  • Justice: We believe in the legal principle that no one is above the law. As such, we support and demand fair and thorough investigations into allegations of police misconduct, followed by appropriate actions based on the findings.
  • Community: We aim to build a community of advocates, experts, and affected individuals to create a collaborative environment for change. By uniting voices from diverse backgrounds, we increase our capacity to instigate meaningful reform.
  • Education: Through our platform, we will provide educational resources and training materials to inform the public of their rights when interacting with law enforcement, as well as to guide law enforcement agencies in implementing best practices that prevent abuses of power.
  • Reform: We are proactive in our approach, seeking to work with legislative bodies, oversight agencies, and reform-minded law enforcement officials to develop and promote policies that enhance the accountability and transparency of police actions.

To these ends, we invite whistleblowers, journalists, civil rights activists, legal experts, and citizens to contribute to our cause. DirtyCop.US pledges to be a beacon of hope for those who feel marginalized and a bulwark against the erosion of civil liberties. Together, we can forge a path to a future where the rule of law is upheld and justice prevails for every American, regardless of their walk of life or the uniform worn by those who transgress against them.


While many US States have laws requiring Law Enforcement entities to have in place a written procedure for dealing with complaints against their Officers, AND to provide a copy of that procedure to whomever requests it, they ARE NOT required to ever release any of their findings, nor confirm any disciplinary action concerning any Officer;

Most Counties and other local Government bodies deny all claims against them, regardless of merit. Even if there exists over-riding evidence, video tape, witness testimony, documentation, etc., proving those claims, the Counties/other deny any responsibility and, knowing how difficult, long and costly the prospect of fighting an action against a Government entity is and could be, they basically and coldly say to their trusting public, “Go ahead and try to sue us, we don’t care how badly our Employee harmed you.”

Whenever a Citizen attempts to file a Grievance against a Dirty Cop, they are forced to deal with a Superior who is also often a Dirty Cop and who does everything he can to “discourage” that Citizen from filing that Complaint. They make lame excuse after excuse, question the validity of the Complaint, insulting the Complainant as to their memory and awareness, and even resort to threatening measures, questioning whether or not it would be in the best interests of the Complainant to go through with their Complaint.

There exists one of the most archaic, hypocritical and irresponsible of all concepts/practices related to Law Enforcement throughout the US, referred to as, ‘The Blue Code’. Also known as The Blue Code of Silence, Blue Shield, Blue Wall, Curtain, or Veil, is an unwritten rule among Police Officers in the United States not to report on a colleague's crimes or mistakes. If questioned about an incident of misconduct involving another officer, while following the code, the officer being questioned would claim ignorance of another officer's wrongdoing. Any Officer who adheres to this ‘Code’ is also a Criminal; a Dirty Cop, who should be charged and prosecuted for their attempted cover-ups. Upholding the law means not only when it is convenient for them to do so, nor in any fashion allows for them to decide which laws are acceptable to ignore.

(We nevertheless encourage all Victims to do whatever they can to expose the Criminal conduct of the Dirty Cop in any manner possible. We therefore suggest the filing of Grievances against individual Officers, insisting that the filing be made a matter of the Officer’s permanent record. We also recommend the filing of Claims against the responsible Departments and their respective Cities or Counties. We realize it is a difficult proposition to locate a viable Civil Rights Attorney to accept your case and prepare and file the matter in Federal Court, especially attempting to do so with no, or severely limited, financial resources. Still, certain of our submitters have indeed been able to prepare and file a Case in Federal Court with the help of a Paralegal for only a few hundred dollars.)

We welcome any contact, opinions, observations, suggestions and any related matter and will respond where and when able and appropriate.

If you wish to provide your history and incidents involving Crimes Committed by Law Enforcement and to have the Criminal’s Name(s) placed herein, please view the Submissions Criteria and provide the $10 fee. (You can also choose to remain anonymous.)