Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)

Overall measure of economic performance.

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)

Unit: National currency

Multiplier: Millions

Adjustment: Seasonally adjusted; United States seasonally adjusted annual rate

Note: The base year used to calculate real GDP varies by country.

What is Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)?

The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a vital economic indicator, designed to measure the degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy and their personal financial situation. By analyzing consumers’ spending and saving patterns, the CCI provides insights into the economic health of a nation and, by extension, the global economy.


The methodology of the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) involves surveying a representative sample of households to assess their perceptions and attitudes regarding their country’s current and future economic conditions. This includes evaluating personal financial situations, the overall economic environment, job market conditions, and propensity for major purchases. The collected data is then aggregated into an index. The scale and the specific threshold value indicating optimism or pessimism can vary by country or institution conducting the survey, making it essential to understand the local context when interpreting the index.

Global Relevance

The Consumer Confidence Index is globally relevant as it serves as a barometer of economic health in various countries. High confidence levels typically correlate with higher consumer spending, which fuels economic growth. Conversely, low confidence can signal economic downturns. The CCI is thus crucial for businesses, investors, and policymakers worldwide, offering insights into consumer behavior and economic trends on a global scale.


Interpreting the CCI involves understanding its impact on markets and economies. A rising CCI suggests increased consumer spending and economic growth, often leading to bullish market sentiments. A declining CCI can indicate economic slowdowns, potentially affecting investment strategies and policy decisions. For traders and economic enthusiasts, the CCI is an invaluable tool for gauging market sentiment and predicting future economic activity.