Making over $1200 an hour at last check, Singer is the well-known Hollywood Attorney who celebrities come to after their crimes and misdeeds. He then does anything and everything to make their problems go away, including using threats and intimidation and criminal persecution, also enlisting corrupt Judges, DA's, etc. He is reported to pay ex-cons to commit criminal acts against victims of his celebrity Clients.
Two of Singer's best known Clients: Rapists/ Perverts Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, were able to get away with drugging and raping and forced sex upon dozens of women for over 35 years due to his acts. But once they were finally arrested, he slithered back into the shadows, avoiding any accountability at all.
He has defended the likes of oft bad-boy Charlie Sheen, John Travolta - after being accused of Sexual Battery - and has even intimidated the daughter of Judy Shendlin (Judge Judy), after she had begun to publically suggest Judy was losing her mind.
Singer, is known as "The Bully" and "The Bulldog" of Hollywood, and just some of his misbehaving clients include: The Kardashians, Sylvester Stallone, Jim Carey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harry Reid, Michael Jackson, Oprah Winfrey, Zooey Deschanel, Ricky Martin, Jonah Hill, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Costner and Scarlett Johansson, who actually called Singer her "Hero", after he was able to obtain and destroy a sex tape featuring her. (Does she not know this man is singularly responsible for enabling dozens of rapes and forced sex? Or does she just not care? Perhaps making a sex tape wasn’t that bright to begin with.)
Singer has orchestrated a series of Federal Crimes against a former Estate Manager of Demi Moore, ongoing now for over 20 years, also involving Bruce Willis, who the man claims is/was a lying, cheating, drug addicted criminal, and Singer has threatened any journalist or reporter seeking to reveal that story.
But he never could have gotten away with all of his crimes and evil acts without those Dirty Judges.

Bill Cosby
Harvey Weinstein
Singer exemplifies money being able to buy justice and freedom, while allowing those who possess enough to commit whatever horrible, criminal acts they chose. The man is pure evil, representing everything that is wrong with our present system of injustice. People deserve representation, but not to live above the law.

This group of Lousy Lawyers are all smiling because they were able to make millions off of the suffering of many residents who lost their homes in the southern California Thomas Fire of 2017-2018, at the time the largest and most destructive fire in the history of California. The fire was ultimately blamed on equipment at two locations owned by Southern California Edison, and this firm didn’t do anything but take money with very little effort. Shortly thereafter, the partners received a certified letter from a former Client regarding the dishonorable and unethical conduct of one of their Dirty Attorneys, Steven Lee, and proceeded to conspire to violate the man's rights and encourage and assist Lee in a series of Federal Crimes against their own former client. This also involved first a dirty local Commissioner and local corrupt police, then the completely Corrupt Judge William Leibmann. Leibmann actually went to law school - at USC /Hastings - at the same time as several Partners of this Dirty Firm, by all accounts being a good, long-time friend, but failed to remove himself for his obvious conflict(s). He instead violated the man's rights without cause, then ignored a subsequent false arrest orchestrated by the Criminal Lee. That Client, a Food and Beverage Manager at a well-known coastal eatery, had hired the firm to go after the employer after he uncovered ongoing sexual harassment of several Latina employees and abuse(s) of many other employees by ownership. The harassment involved touching and description of body parts while working, etc., and the women were threatened with death if they attempted to expose the perpetrators. Lee abandoned the women completely and failed to help any of the other abused employees brought to him. Two of the women fled back to Mexico in fear.
We wonder if the women at this Dirty Law Firm would have had a problem if they had been so treated?
The case file and behavior of Lee have been viewed by clinical psychologists and others, and he has been described as both a Criminal Sociopath and a Pathological Perjurer as a result of his disturbing conduct. He originally stalled through the Client's Right to File, conspiring with the evil, abusing enabler- The Dirty Firm of Gordon & Rees - who defended the abusive employer. The CAL Bar did nothing to Lee, despite mounds of proof regarding his acts. He should have been disbarred for life and belongs in Federal Prison.

(For Law - put copy of certified slips sent to Law Firm here.)

After 14 years of marriage and two children with his first wife Sue Berlach, they went through what the New Yorker called “acrimonious” divorce proceedings, and he obtained custody of the children. Berlach claimed through her attorney that Dershowitz abused her and that she required medical treatment and psychotherapy as a result. In 1983, Berlach walked to the center of the Brooklyn Bridge and jumped. The year before, Dershowitz had married Carolyn Cohen, then 33; he was 45.
Claus von Bülow was a Danish-born British lawyer, consultant and socialite. In 1982, he was convicted of both the attempted murder of his wife Sunny von Bülow in 1979, which had left her in a temporary coma, as well as an alleged insulin overdose in 1980 that left her in a persistent vegetative state for the remainder of her life.
Dershowitz was somehow able to get the conviction overturned on appeal and Bülow walked free.
He was also able to help in the acquittal of Ted Kennedy, after he drove off a Chappaquiddick bridge in 1969 while drunk, resulting in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, just 28.
Dershowitz helped Trump during his first Impeachment, advised the "Dream Team", helping the double murderer OJ Simpson go free, and gained acquittals on appeal after numerous other murder convictions.
As a Harvard Law Professor, Dershowitz was particularly interested in—and incensed by—the idea of women falsely accusing men of rape and reportedly brought it up often while teaching. One student who took a class with Dershowitz in 1991 recalled begging him to stop bringing up the subject, stating that other women in the class had been raped.
He has advocated for lowering the age of consent to 15, and wrote an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times advocating for the lowering of the age of consent to 14 or 15.
Dershowitz has been accused of having sex with several of Epstein's minor sex slaves, who were as young as 14. His various alibis for Epstein-related allegations have been scrutinized and debunked. Virginia Giuffre alleged she had sex with Dershowitz multiple times between 2000 and 2002, which Dershowitz categorically denies. The "proof" he provided was a series of travel records, showing: “every day had been accounted for, and in most cases there was documentation.” Some of those days, however, were noted only with handwritten entries, like “New York.” Dershowitz lived in New York from September 2000 to June 2001, when Giuffre frequented Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. Trump and several others also did so.
When Epstein was first arrested in 2008, after being accused of having sex with over 25 girls, several as young as 14, Dershowitz was somehow able to get him work release and made a shady deal with the U.S. Attorney in NY, Alexander Acosta, whereby Epstein plead guilty, TO ONLY ONE STATE CHARGE OF SOLICITATION, IN EXCHANGE FOR A FEDERAL NON-PROSECUTION AGREEMENT. Epstein was then free to continue to commit horrible acts for another decade. Acosta became Secretary of Labor under Trump, as part of that shady deal of course, but retired quietly after Epstein finally went to prison.

Begun as Gordon & Rees, they do damage to hard working Americans in 50 States.
They enable abusive employers, representing exclusively large corporations and singularly or family owned businesses, and they overtly attack any employee seeking remedy after being abused on the job.
This firm of DIRTY/ LOUSY LAWYERS, makes immense money hurting good people.


Mariam is merely one of hundreds of attorneys employed by this firm of DIRTY LAWYERS, all prepared to do whatever it takes, including the commission of Federal Crimes and conspiring with Dirty Judges in order to accomplish their aims, to ensure that no abused or cheated employee ever gets their due.
The employers pay an annual policy/ retainer to Gordon & Rees against any employee action. Whenever any employee seeks recourse, or even stands up to their employer's evil ways, the employer(s) inform G&R, who then attack in every conceivable manner. The employees, often under represented, or even without representation at all, get buried in any legal action by this completely dishonorable, Dirty Firm.
Recent cases involving their Lousy Lawyer Mariam - who conspired with Dirty San Diego Judge Ronald Frasier - to violate the rights of several employees from two separate employers, involved the Sexual Harassment of many women and violent attacks and repeated death threats against the whistleblowers.
One of Mariam's Clients - Real Estate Slum-lord/ Con-man Greg Fowler - had attempted to murder an employee who was uncovering widespread abuses within his many business concerns and who had filed an action in Superior Court against one of his Businesses. Mariam had Frasier violate that employee's rights without cause, in order to stifle media interest and quell the lawsuit, which Dirty Frasier later dismissed. Mariam told him to enact a Restraining Order against the employee, completely without cause, without any evidence of any threat or harassment or any act deserving of any restriction and denial of the employee's constitutional rights. In the hearing, in which the employee appeared by phone after discovering last-minute the crime that was about to occur, the corrupt Frazier said, "Oh well, I'm just gonna allow it." It was a Federal Crime for which Mariam AND Frazier belong in Federal Prison. The completely corrupt CAL Bar, acknowledged that the employee's Rights Were Violated, that there was absolutely no proof of any misdeed claimed by the Criminal Mariam, but merely blamed the Dirty Judge for allowing it. The California Commission on Judicial Performance did nothing at all to the Dirty Frasier.
Another prominent San Diego area Labor Attorney/Firm had told the whistleblower(s) beforehand, stating why they couldn’t handle this and the other matters involving Frasier and Mariam. He said that he/they would fully expect the Corrupt Judge Frazier to display what he termed a "Pervasive Bias", in favor not only towards big business in general, but towards the Dirty Gordon & Rees specifically.

Our Lousy Lawyers would never get away with their crimes without our Dirty, Corrupt Judges